Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed. | December 24, 2021 6:26 am

Teachers across the county are letting go of what doesn't serve them. And in many cases, it's their day job. While it's true that this has been happening for at least five years now, I didn't think it would be me and certainly not in the middle of the school year.

And then I started having problems with my health. High blood pressure. Shortness of breath. Right bundle branch block. Pinched nerve.

I've never had so many health problems in my life. Yes, those all seem mild — but they all hit within a two month span and I realized it was time to move on.

Naturally, I thought back to my days as a small business owner hosting websites for work at home moms. And I thought about the educational publishing company I'm running on semi-autopilot, and I thought about Kelly McCausey and Alice Seba and Nicole Dean and Jen Reed and all the women from Mom Masterminds who taught me how to build an online business that takes care of people.

And I realized I wanted that back. That I wanted to let go of what wasn't working anymore.

So I started listening to Kelly's Love People Make Money podcast, particularly her episode on letting go.

Episode #85: Let Go Of What Doesn't Serve You
Love People Make Money Episode #85: Let Go Of What Doesn't Serve You

I know Kelly is talking about letting go of social media, but I'm thinking bigger life changes than that. I'm thinking about the time I gave up a client paying $1,500 a month for two dedicated servers but took up two-thirds of my available time. Within a year, I had more than replaced that income because I'd gained back so much more time and energy to devote to clients who required less time and appreciated my services.

Yes, I love teaching. I can continue teaching right here.

I know that there will be naysayers who ask me how I can leave my kids, but I know that the kids who see me as their teacher will find me when they need me. And the other kids will find their teachers. Assuming our society doesn't run them all off.

I only have one life, and I am going to take care of it by serving teachers, moms, and (former) students who want to build a business they love online.

What are you letting go?

Learn how you can work on letting go and developing your inner entrepreneur. Just enter your name and email address below and I'll send you advice, opportunities, and resources.

About the Author

I chose to proactively retire from the classroom teaching and share my gifts in a different context. I'm a damn good teacher and I'm tired of working within a frustrating system that won't let me do what I know is right. So I'm taking my business full time -- and I'm still educating, still making a difference in the world. And I want to help you do the same.

Posted in: Curated
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