Build Your Business with Email Marketing

What would be your first thought if someone suggested using daily email marketing as a business strategy?

I know MY first reaction was, "What will I write about for 365 days a year?!"

Which is exactly why I brought Angela Wills on as my guest because she has built an online business in many niches over the 20 years I've known her primarily through daily email marketing.

Did she start off this way? No. Like many of us, she subscribed to the idea that emailing once per week was enough for name recognition. But then she realized that the people who opened and enjoyed her daily emails were the most responsive on her list. Responsive readers equal excited buyers.

In addition to being consistent with your emails, Angela says that valuable content is what will turn people into raving fans. And valuable content includes OFFERS, so don't be afraid to sell in your emails!

Practical Advice for Daily Email Marketing

  • Keep it easy! One topic per email and you don't need funnels.
  • Consistency becomes a habit.
  • Learn how to write and type quickly.
  • Don't be bothered by those who unsubscribe...they don't appreciate you.
  • Make each email personalized...write as if you're speaking to just one person.
  • Consider your list as a friends' list instead of dollar signs.

More Resources

Creatorpreneur Collab Podcast
Creatorpreneur Collab Podcast
Episode #21: Build Your Business with Daily Email Marketing
About the Author

I chose to proactively retire from the classroom teaching and share my gifts in a different context. I'm a damn good teacher and I'm tired of working within a frustrating system that won't let me do what I know is right. So I'm taking my business full time -- and I'm still educating, still making a difference in the world. And I want to help you do the same.

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