Alice Seba Sustainable Online Business

To celebrate my 20 years as a entrepreneur, I'm interviewing one of the people who helped get me started online, Alice Seba. Alice is one of those people who is very approachable and has a genuine compassion for serving her audience. When you put your audience ahead of your monetary goals, you have a solid foundation for a sustainable business.

Alice is a fellow introvert who envisioned the lifestyle she wanted and then worked to create a business that affords her that lifestyle. Without having a vision of what you want to achieve, you'll tend to go in circles chasing those bright shiny objects that can distract us from our primary goals.

Alice's background is primarily as a content writer and a copywriter. She has a way with words and fully admits that her business blossomed when she realized she could sell her writing to the masses instead of just 1:1 clients. 

Private Label Rights (PLR) content is what Alice is best known for, which is written content that is sold to customers who then have the license to edit is as much as they want and to use it for whatever purpose they desire. Consider this a very affordable alternative to a private ghostwriter.

Practical Advice for Building a Sustainable Business

  • Take what you already know and offer that as a service.
  • Know and understand your target market. What do they need & why will they buy it from you?
  • Use social media to direct traffic (followers) to your products and email list. Don't waste time building a huge following without giving them something to purchase.
  • Be smart. Track what works and what doesn't. Don't copy what everyone else is doing.

More Resources

Creatorpreneur Collab Podcast
Creatorpreneur Collab Podcast
Episode #20: How to Build a Sustainable Online Business
About the Author

I chose to proactively retire from the classroom teaching and share my gifts in a different context. I'm a damn good teacher and I'm tired of working within a frustrating system that won't let me do what I know is right. So I'm taking my business full time -- and I'm still educating, still making a difference in the world. And I want to help you do the same.

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A Teacher's Guide to "How Do I Start My Own Business?" will help you connect your interests, talents, and skills with the people who are willing to pay you for them. You'll learn how to connect your unique selling proposition with the target market that wants what you're offering for a foundation on which you can grow a successful business.

How do I start my own business?