It's been a long time since I've participated in a cross blog conversations, but my mentor Kelly McCausey has been writing about and participating in them on her blog and I want to try, too.
A cross blog conversation is the perfect way for my introverted self to engage in an in-depth conversation.
Kelly wrote out a cross blog conversation action plan on her website, but I'll summarize the main points here:
- First, you write a post explaining what a cross blog conversation is and tell your readers who you'll be conversing with. Then you'll share a “letter” written directly to your conversation partner introducing your topic. End the letter with a question you'd like for them to answer on your topic. You can look at Kelly's blog post and letter to my mentor, Cindy Bidar, to see how this works.
- Then your conversation partner writes a post explaining to their readers how a cross blog conversation works. They link back to your first post that contains your description and question. Then they write a letter section to you that answers your question — and includes a question of their own.
- Now it's your turn again. You'll write a post letting your readers know that you're continuing the conversation. Then link to your partners response, and write a letter back to your partner answering their question. You'll end, again, with a question of your own that continues the conversation.
- Lather, rinse, repeat.
- Finally, at the end of the conversation, answer the last question and close the conversation with a thank you to your partner for their participation. Your partner will do the same on their blog.
If you'd like some tips for success, check out Kelly's blog post on How to Have a Cross Blog Conversation.
So, who's ready to start a conversation on rethinking one's lifestyle? Just let me know in the comments!