What's holding you up when it comes to being your own boss?
With 20+ years experience in Online Marketing and 10+ years experience in education, I know I can help!
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The answer that question is going to be different for everyone. In a nutshell though, you need to take a close look at yourself and what you're passionate about. What do you love to do? Make a list. For example, I love teaching, writing, and sharing stories. So naturally, I am drawn to creating content to help other people. Once you know what you love to do, find the people who need what it is you do. Join their groups. Become one of them. And then offer your products or services. You can learn more in our "Discover Your Passion and the People Who Want To Buy from You" report.
Before you worry about Google finding your site, make sure you have a dynamic, accessible site first. I recommend you build your main website using a self-hosted WordPress and install the Yoast plugin for search engine optimization (SEO). You can read this article about specific SEO strategies to help you develop your site's plan.